How it works?

Register to get by email your Select'n ship address.
All packages will be delivered to our office after your shopping
After final step of check-out process, please wait for receiving your package
Love us?
All your advice and recommendation will be our pleasure
Proceed to check-out and reship your package
Use your own Select'n ship address as delivery address when you make shopping
Create your shipping address

Register to get by email an official address of Select'n ship.

Shopping and deliver to Select'n ship address

Make sure to input your Customer Unique ID in the delivery address. Below is our recommendations:


Wait for the package to arrive at our office

We will notice you by mail when the package arrives at our office. You can also access to your user space, My packages to follow the state of each relayed package. Click on "Wait" or "Send" to continue shipping your packages.

Pay for reship of the package
When you want to request the shipping, you juste have to:
- Choose a shipment method
- Proceed to the payment.
Package delivery to St Martin or St Barthelemy

After confirmation of payment, the package will be shipped as soon as possible either at our Home'n Tools partner or to your address in St Martin or St Bathelemy.

Love us? Have recommendation for us?

We welcome any recommendation. Feel free to tell us your feelings, your advice, your comments. Share them with everyone at Testimonials page.